General Chemistry 1

General Chemistry 1 - Chemistry Coach

Introduction to general concepts of chemistry: scientific method, periodic table, atomic theory, bonding, quantum theory, atomic structure, Lewis formulas, molecular geometry, VSEPR theory, molecular orbital theory.
The scientific method is studied in this chapter: scientific notation, properties of matter, difference between intensive and extensive, metric system of units - SI base units, scientific measurement and uncertainty, difference between accuracy and precision, significant figures, calculated numerical results, dimensional analysis.
Atoms are studied in this chapter: elements in chemistry, atomic theory, atomic structure, difference between isotopes and ions, cations vs. anions, chemical nomenclature of ions and acids
The periodic table and atoms are studied in this chapter: chemical periodicity, metal vs. non-metal, groups in the periodic table and their properties, atomic mass and average atomic mass, the concept of a mole, mole number, molecular mass and molar mass
Early quantum theory is studied in this chapter: properties of waves, wave model of light, quantization of energy, photons and photoelectric effect, atomic line spectra, electronic transition, the line spectrum of hydrogen, Rydberg-Balmer equation, wave-particle duality
Quantum theory and atomic structure are studied in this chapter: Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, quantum numbers, electron spin, energies of atomic orbitals and electron configuration, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule, excited states, core vs. valence electrons
Ionic and covalent compounds are studied in this chapter: difference types of bonding, ionic compounds and their chemical formula, empirical vs. molecular formula, the law of constant composition, naming binary compounds, ionic bond energies
The representation of molecules is studied in this chapter: Lewis structures, formal charges, resonance hybrids, electronegativity and polarity, dipole moment and percent ionic character, expanded valence shells
Molecular geometries are studied in this chapter: VSEPR theory, VSEPR notation, lone pair effect, electron-domain geometry vs. molecular geometry, prediction of molecular geometry, deviation from ideal bond angles, polarity of molecules, isomers
The covalent bonding is studied in this chapter: valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory, multiple bonds, hybridization and hybrid orbitals, molecular orbital diagrams.
Midterm 1 includes 6 questions and it covers Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of General Chemistry 1. At the end of the test you can see the answers and determine whether you have solved the questions. You have 1 hour to resolve Midterm 1.
Midterm 2 includes 5 questions and it covers chapters 1 to 6 of General Chemistry 1 (mainly chapters 4, 5 and 6). At the end of the test you can see the answers and determine whether you have solved the questions. You have 1 hour to resolve Midterm 2.
Final Exam includes 10 questions and it covers all chapters of General Chemistry 1. At the end of the test you can see the answers and determine whether you have solved the questions. You have 2 hours to resolve Final Exam.