Organic Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry 2 - Chemistry Coach
Continuation of Organic Chemistry I. Methods of analysis, chemistry of hydrocarbons (alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons), chemistry of the carbonyl group (aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives). Emphasis on mechanistic aspects of reactions and effects of molecular structure on reactivity.
Electrophilic aromatic substitutions of benzene are studied in this chapter: electrophilic aromatic substitution, halogenation, nitration, and sulfonation of benzene, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation, activating and deactivating substituents, inductive and resonance effects, meta- ortho- para- directing substituents, aromatic substitution of mono and disubstituted benzene
Additional reactions of aldehydes and ketones are studied in this chapter: addition of amines, synthesis of hydrazones, Wolff-Kishner reduction, deoxygenation of carbonyls, addition of cyanide, addition of hydrides and carbanions, Wittig reaction, Baeyer-Villiger oxidation, α,β-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones and their reactivities
Carboxylic acid derivatives are studied in this chapter: nomenclature, properties and relative reactivity of carboxylic acid derivatives, nucleophilic acyl substitution, chemistry of acid halides: preparation, hydrolysis and reactions of acid halides, chemistry of esters: preparation, hydrolysis and reactions of esters.