Chemical Equilibrium | General Chemistry 2

Chemical equilibrium is studied in this chapter: the concept of equilibrium, the equilibrium constant, gaseous equilibria, equilibrium expressions, the reaction quotient and the approach to equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s principle, the effect of changes in concentration, pressure, volume, and temperature.

The Concept of Equilibrium

Chemical equilibrium:

Chemical equilibrium is a state in which the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time because the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal. In this dynamic state, reactants continuously convert into products and vice versa, but these processes occur at the same rate, resulting in no net change in concentrations. This balance is reached when the system stabilizes, with both reactions ongoing but perfectly balanced.

⇒ [reactant]eq = constant; [product]eq = constant


Dynamic nature of equilibrium:

Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic equilibrium: At equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate, leading to no net change in the concentrations of the involved species.

⇒ rate of forward reaction = rate of reverse reaction

N2​O​(g)  2 NO2 ​(g)

  • Initially, when N2O4 is introduced into a container, it begins to decompose into NO2, increasing the concentration of NO2 and changing the color of the gas mixture from colorless to brown.
  • Over time, the system reaches equilibrium where the rate of N2O4 decomposition equals the rate of NO2 recombination. At this point, the concentrations of N2O4 and NO2 remain constant, reflecting the established equilibrium.


Reversibility and equilibrium:

Chemical equilibrium is not only dynamic but also reversible. A chemical equilibrium can be attained from any direction:

  • Starting with all reactants: The system will shift toward producing products until equilibrium is reached.
  • Starting with all products: The system will shift toward producing reactants until equilibrium is reached.
  • Starting with a mixture of reactants and products: The system will adjust until the equilibrium state is achieved.

Regardless of the initial concentrations, the system will always reach the same equilibrium state at a given temperature, where the ratio of the concentration of products to reactants remains constant. This ratio is expressed as the equilibrium constant, K, which is unique for each reaction at a specific temperature.

The Equilibrium Constant

Equilibrium equation:

The equilibrium constant K quantifies the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants at equilibrium for a chemical reaction. This ratio is derived from the law of mass action, which states that, at equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. The equilibrium constant expression for a general reaction A +  C + D is:

Kc = [C]c [D]d[A]a [B]b

Kc = equilibrium constant expressed in terms of concentrations
[A] and [B] = molar concentrations of the reactants
[C] and [D] = molar concentrations of the products
a, b, c, and d = stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced equation


The concentrations in the equilibrium-constant expression are considered to be concentration ratios, where the molarity of each substance is divided by its molarity (1 M) in the thermodynamic standard state. Because the units cancel out, the concentration ratios and the values of Kc are dimensionless.


Important points:

  • Temperature dependence: The value of K remains constant only at a specific temperature. Any change in temperature will affect the value of the equilibrium constant.

  • Stoichiometric coefficients: In the equilibrium expression, the concentration of each species is raised to the power corresponding to its coefficient in the balanced chemical equation.

  • Pure solids and liquids: Pure solids and pure liquids do not appear in the equilibrium-constant expression as their activity is defined as 1 by convention.

For the reaction: 2 H(g) + CO (g) CH3OH (g)
The equilibrium constant expression is: KC = CH3OHH22 CO

For the reaction: PCl(l) + Cl(g) PCl(s)
The equilibrium constant expression is: KC = 1Cl2   
(By convention [PCl3] = 1 and [PCl5] = 1; pure liquid and pure solid)


Relationship with chemical kinetics:

Let's consider the general, reversible reaction: A + B  C + D and assume that the forward and reverse reactions are elementary reactions. We can write the following rate laws:

Rate forward = kf [A][B]

Rate reverse = kr [C][D]

kf = rate constant of the forward reaction
kr = rate constant of the reverse reaction
[A] and [B] = molar concentrations of the reactants
[C] and [D] = molar concentrations of the products


At equilibrium, the forward and reverse rates are equal: kf [A][B] = kr [C][D]. This can be rearranged to:

​​​​kfkr = [C] [D][A] [B]


Therefore, the equilibrium constant Kc is directly related to the rates of the forward and reverse reactions. The relationship is given by:


Kc = equilibrium constant expressed in terms of concentrations
kf = rate constant of the forward reaction
kr = rate constant of the reverse reaction

Gaseous Equilibria

Equilibrium constant Kp:

In gaseous equilibria, the equilibrium constant can be expressed in terms of either the concentrations of the gases (using Kc) or the partial pressures of the gases (using Kp​). For a general gas-phase reaction: A + B ⇌ C + D, Kp is given by:

Kp = (PC)c PDdPAa PBb 

Kp = equilibrium constant expressed in terms of partial pressure
PA and PB = partial pressures of the reactants
PC and PD = partial pressures of the products
a, b, c, and d = stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced equation


For the reaction: N2O4 (g)  2 NO2 (g)
The equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressures is: Kp = PNO22PN2O4


Relationship between Kc and Kp:

The relationship between Kc and Kp is derived from the ideal gas law, PV = nRT. For component A, for example:

PA = nAV RT = [A]RT

PA = partial pressure of A (in atm)
[A] = molar concentrations of A (in mol.L-1)
R = gas constant = 0.0821 L.atm.mol-1.K-1
T = temperature (in K)​​​​​


Therefore, the relationship between Kp and Kc is: 

Kp = Kc (RT)Δn

Kp = equilibrium constant expressed in terms of partial pressure
Kc = equilibrium constant expressed in terms of concentrations
R = gas constant = 0.0821 L.atm.mol-1.K-1
T = temperature (in K)
Δn = moles of gaseous products - moles of gaseous reactants


For the reaction: C (s) + CO(g) 2 CO (g)

Kc = CO2CO2

Kp = PCO2PCO2 = [CO]2[CO2] RT = Kc RT

Equilibrium Expressions

Heterogeneous equilibria:

In a chemical equilibrium involving more than one phase, such as solids, liquids, and gases, the equilibrium is described as heterogeneous. Unlike homogeneous equilibria, where all reactants and products are in the same phase, heterogeneous equilibria involve substances in different states.

Key characteristics of the equilibrium expression:

  • Pure solids and liquids exclusion: In heterogeneous equilibria, the concentrations of pure solids and pure liquids do not appear in the equilibrium expression because their concentrations remain constant throughout the reaction. These substances are assigned an activity of 1, which simplifies the equilibrium expression.

Consider the decomposition of calcium carbonate: CaCO3 (s)  CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
The equilibrium expression for this reaction is: K= [CO2]
Here, both CaCOand CaO, being pure solids, are omitted from the expression.


  • Multiple phases: Heterogeneous equilibria can involve solids, liquids, and gases. The key is to include only the concentrations of the species that are in the gas or aqueous phase in the equilibrium expression.

For the reaction: PbCl2 (s)  Pb2+ (aq) + 2 Cl (aq)
The equilibrium expression is: Kc = [Pb2+][Cl]2​


Manipulation of equilibrium constants:

  • If a reaction is reversed, the equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is the reciprocal of the original equilibrium constant:

K'c = 1Kc

K'c = equilibrium constant of the reversed reaction
Kc = equilibrium constant of the original reaction


  • If the entire reaction is multiplied by a factor n, the equilibrium constant for the new reaction is the original equilibrium constant raised to the power of n:

K'c = (Kc)n

K'c = equilibrium constant of the reaction multiplied by a factor n
Kc = equilibrium constant of the original reaction


  • If two reactions are added together, the equilibrium constant for the overall reaction is the product of the equilibrium constants for the individual reactions:

Kc = Kc1 x Kc2

Kc = equilibrium constant of the overall reaction (1 + 2)
Kc1 = equilibrium constant of reaction 1
Kc2 = equilibrium constant of reaction 2


Using Equilibrium Expressions

Judging the extent of a reaction:

The magnitude of the equilibrium constant K (whether Kc or Kp​) provides insight into the extent of a reaction at equilibrium:

  • Large K (> 103): Indicates that the equilibrium position is far to the right, favoring the formation of products. Most of the reactants are converted into products at equilibrium.
  • Small K (< 10-3): Indicates that the equilibrium position is far to the left, favoring the reactants. Very little product is formed at equilibrium.
  • Intermediate K (10-3 < K < 103): Suggests that both reactants and products are present in significant amounts at equilibrium, indicating a balanced reaction.


Predicting the direction of a reaction:

To predict the direction in which a reaction will proceed to reach equilibrium, the reaction quotient Q is used and compared to the equilibrium constant K.

The reaction quotient Q represents the ratio of the concentrations (or partial pressures) of products to reactants at any point in time during the reaction. It is calculated using the same formula as K, but with non-equilibrium concentrations. For the general reaction: a A + b c C + d D, the reaction quotient is given by:

Qc = [C]tc [D]td[A]ta [B]tb

Qc = reaction quotient expressed in terms of concentrations
[A]t and [B]t = molar concentrations of the reactants at time t
[C]t and [D]t = molar concentrations of the products at time t
a, b, c, and d = stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced equation


For the reaction: CO(g) + H(g) CO (g) + H2O (g)

The reaction quotient at time t is: QC = COt H2OtCO2t H2t


Comparing Q and K:

  • If Q < K: The reaction will proceed in the forward direction, converting reactants into products until equilibrium is reached.
  • If Q > K: The reaction will proceed in the reverse direction, converting products back into reactants until equilibrium is reached.
  • If Q = K: The system is at equilibrium, and no shift will occur.


How to calculate equilibrium concentrations:

To find the equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products, a systematic approach is used:

  1. Write the balanced equation.
  2. Set up an ICE (initial, change, equilibrium) table:
    - Initial: Record the initial concentrations (or partial pressures) of the reactants and products.
    - Change: Represent the change in concentrations as the system moves toward equilibrium using a variable x.
    - Equilibrium: Express the equilibrium concentrations in terms of the initial values and the change.
  3. Write the equilibrium expression.
  4. Substitute known values and solve for x.
  5. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations from the calculated value of x.
  6. Check the results by substituting them into the equilibrium equation..

Le Châtelier’s Principle

Le Châtelier’s principle:

Le Châtelier’s principle states that if a stess is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system will respond by shifting in the direction that minimizes the effect of the stress.

This principle can be applied to understand how the following changes affect an equilibrium system:

  • Addition of a reactant or product
  • Removal of a reactant or product
  • Change in volume (resulting in a change in concentration or partial pressure)
  • Change in temperature


Summary of shifts:

Consider the equilibrium: A (g) + B (g) C (g). According to Le Chatelier’ principle, the position of equilibrium will move in such a way as to counteract any disturbance:

It shifts to the right (side with fewer moles of gas) if:

[reactant] increases
OR volume decreases
OR pressure increases
OR temperature increases (for endothermic reactions)
OR temperature decreases (for exothermic reactions)

It shifts to the left (side with more moles of gas) if:

[reactant] decreases
OR volume increases
OR pressure decreases
OR temperature decreases (for endothermic reactions)
OR temperature increases (for exothermic reactions)


Effect of a catalyst:

Adding a catalyst increases the rate at which equilibrium is achieved by speeding up both the forward and reverse reactions equally. However, it does not shift the position of the equilibrium; the equilibrium constant K remains unchanged.

Effect of Concentration Changes

Addition of a reactant or product:

  • Adding a reactant: the equilibrium shifts to the right (toward the products) to consume the added reactant and produce more product.
  • Adding a product: the the equilibrium shifts to the left (toward the reactants) to reduce the concentration of the added product.

For the equilibrium: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g)  2 NH3 (g)

  • Adding N2 or Hwill shift the equilibrium to the right, producing more NH3.
  • Adding NH3 will shift the equilibrium to the left, increasing the concentrations of N2 and H2.


Removal of a reactant or product:

  • Removing a reactant: the equilibrium shifts to the left (toward the reactants) to produce more of the removed substance and reduce the concentration of the products.
  • Removing a product: the equilibrium shifts to the right (toward the products) to produce more of the removed product.

For the equilibrium: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g)  2 NH3 (g)

  • Removing N2 or Hwill shift the equilibrium to the left, reducing the concentration of NH3.
  • Removing NH3 will shift the equilibrium to the right, increasing the concentration of NH3.

Effect of Pressure and Volume Changes

Effect of pressure changes:

Pressure changes significantly affect equilibrium when gases are involved. The response of the system depends on the number of moles of gas on each side of the balanced equation.

  • Increasing pressure: the equilibrium will shift toward the side with fewer moles of gas. This shift reduces the total number of gas molecules, thereby lowering the pressure.
  • Decreasing pressure: the equilibrium will shift toward the side with more moles of gas. This increases the total number of gas molecules, which raises the pressure.

For the equilibrium: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) ⇌ 2 NH3 (g)

Increasing the pressure will shift the equilibrium to the right, favoring the production of NH3​, which has fewer moles of gas (2 moles) compared to the reactants (4 moles).


Effect of volume changes:

Volume changes are closely related to pressure changes. According to Boyle’s Law (P ∝ 1V), pressure and volume are inversely related, so a change in volume will have the opposite effect on pressure, and consequently, on the position of equilibrium.

  • Decreasing volume: the pressure increases, causing the equilibrium to shift toward the side with fewer moles of gas.
  • Increasing volume: the pressure decreases, causing the equilibrium to shift toward the side with more moles of gas.


Equal moles of gas on both sides:

If the number of moles of gas is the same on both sides of the equation, changes in pressure or volume will have no effect on the position of equilibrium.

In the reaction: H2 (g) + I2 (g)  2 HI (g)

Both sides have the same number of moles of gas (2 moles), so changes in pressure or volume will not shift the equilibrium.

Effect of Temperature Changes

Exothermic reactions:

In an exothermic reaction, heat is released as a product. The equilibrium can be viewed as: Reactants  Products + Heat.

  • Increasing temperature: the equilibrium will shift to the left (toward the reactants) to absorb the excess heat and reduce the temperature.
  • Decreasing temperature: the equilibrium will shift to the right (toward the products) to release more heat and increase the temperature.

For the exothermic reaction: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) ⇌ 2 NH3 (g) (ΔH < 0),

The equilibrium can be viewed as: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) ⇌ 2 NH3 (g) + Heat. Increasing the temperature will shift the equilibrium to the left, reducing the amount of NH3​ produced.


Endothermic reactions:

In an endothermic reaction, heat is absorbed as a reactant. The equilibrium can be viewed as: Reactants + Heat  Products.

  • Increasing temperature: the equilibrium will shift to the right (toward the products) to consume the added heat.
  • Decreasing temperature: the equilibrium will shift to the left (toward the reactants) to reduce heat consumption.

Check your knowledge about this Chapter

A chemical equilibrium state is defined by the condition in a reversible reaction where the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, leading to no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products over time. At equilibrium, the system's macroscopic properties, such as concentration and pressure, remain constant, though molecular-level processes continue to occur.

The term dynamic equilibrium refers to a state in which the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, causing the concentrations of reactants and products to remain constant over time, even though both reactions continue to occur. In contrast, a static equilibrium implies that all reactions and movements have ceased, so there is no change in the system's state because no processes are occurring.

The equilibrium constant (K) for a chemical reaction is temperature-dependent because it reflects the balance between the forward and reverse reaction rates, which both vary with temperature according to the Arrhenius equation. As temperature increases, the kinetic energies of the molecules increase. This leads to a change in the reaction rates and, consequently, the position of equilibrium shifts in a way that can be predicted by the van't Hoff equation.

Specifically, for endothermic reactions (where heat is absorbed), increasing temperature typically leads to an increase in the equilibrium constant, shifting the balance towards products. Conversely, for exothermic reactions (which release heat), increasing temperature usually results in a decrease in the equilibrium constant, shifting the balance towards reactants. This relationship is a direct consequence of Le Châtelier’s Principle, stating that a system at equilibrium will react to counteract changes in conditions such as temperature.

The reaction quotient (Q) is a measure of the relative concentrations of reactants and products at any point during a reaction. It is calculated using the same expression as the equilibrium constant (K), but unlike K, which is solely for conditions at equilibrium, Q can be used for any conditions. If Q is less than K, the reaction will proceed in the forward direction to reach equilibrium, producing more products. Conversely, if Q is greater than K, the reaction will proceed in the reverse direction to re-establish equilibrium, converting products into reactants. When Q equals K, the reaction is at equilibrium, and no net change occurs.

Equilibrium expressions, based on the law of mass action, quantitatively describe the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants at equilibrium, raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients.

To calculate unknown concentrations, one can write the equilibrium expression for the reaction (Kc = [products]ⁿ/[reactants]ᵐ), measure the concentrations of the available species, and rearrange the equation to solve for the unknowns. If initial concentrations and equilibrium constant (Kc) are known, the change in concentrations (denoted as x in the ICE table — Initial, Change, Equilibrium) can be calculated, facilitating the determination of all species' concentrations at equilibrium.

Le Châtelier's Principle states that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium moves to counteract the change. When the concentration of a reactant or product in a reaction at equilibrium is changed, the system shifts in the direction that tends to restore equilibrium by using up the added substances or replenishing the reduced substances. For example, if more reactant is added to the system, the equilibrium will shift to the right, favoring the formation of more products.

When the pressure of a system at equilibrium with gaseous reactants and products is increased (by decreasing the volume), the equilibrium shifts towards the side with fewer moles of gas, as predicted by Le Châtelier’s Principle. This is because the system responds to the pressure increase by trying to reduce it, which can be achieved by forming fewer gas molecules. Conversely, reducing the pressure (by increasing the volume) shifts the equilibrium towards the side with more moles of gas. This behavior can be understood and predicted using the equilibrium expression in which pressure is related to the concentrations (partial pressures) of the gases involved.

When the volume of a container holding a gaseous equilibrium system is decreased, the pressure increases. According to Le Châtelier's Principle, the system will adjust to minimize this stress. In a reaction with unequal moles of gas on either side of the equation, the equilibrium will shift towards the side with fewer moles of gas, thus reducing the pressure. Conversely, if the volume is increased and pressure is reduced, the equilibrium will shift towards the side with more moles of gas, increasing the pressure to oppose the change. This behavior is predicted by the ideal gas law (PV = nRT), where decreasing volume (V) increases pressure (P) when n (moles of gas) and T (temperature) are constant.

According to Le Châtelier's Principle, if the temperature of a system at equilibrium is changed, the system will adjust to minimize the effect of the change. In an endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature shifts the equilibrium position toward the products, as the system absorbs the added heat, whereas decreasing the temperature shifts it toward the reactants. Conversely, for an exothermic reaction, raising the temperature shifts equilibrium toward the reactants as the system releases heat, and lowering the temperature shifts it toward the products.

Catalysts affect chemical equilibrium by lowering the activation energy for both the forward and reverse reactions, which increases the rate at which equilibrium is achieved without changing the position of the equilibrium itself or the equilibrium constant. A catalyst provides an alternative pathway for the reaction with a lower activation energy. As a result, although catalysts can help reach equilibrium faster, they do not alter the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium.