Introduction to Organic Chemistry | General Chemistry 3

This chapter is an introduction to organic chemistry and covers: the unique nature of carbon, ionic and covalent bonds, functional groups, basic IUPAC nomenclature, representation of organic molecules, resonance forms, isomerism, chirality and optical isomers, organic reactions.

The Unique Nature of Carbon

Organic chemistry:

Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds. It is a foundational discipline in fields such as biology, medicine, and industrial chemistry, as it focuses on the molecules that form the basis of life—proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids—along with a vast range of synthetic substances, including plastics, pharmaceuticals, and dyes.


Importance of carbon in organic compounds:

Carbon’s ability to form stable, diverse, and complex molecules is central to organic chemistry. Its versatile bonding capacity allows for the formation of millions of compounds, from simple molecules like methane to intricate macromolecules like proteins and DNA. This versatility is why carbon is often referred to as the "backbone" of organic molecules and is essential for the existence of life.


Key characteristics of carbon:

  • Carbon has four valence electrons, allowing it to form four stable covalent bonds by sharing electrons with other atoms.

  • Carbon atoms can bond with each other in long chains and rings, a process known as catenation, which is key to the formation of complex organic structures.

  • Carbon readily bonds with elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens, creating an enormous variety of compounds with diverse properties and applications.

  • Carbon can form single, double, and triple bonds, significantly affecting the chemical reactivity and properties of the molecules it forms.

Bonding in Organic Chemistry

The octet rule:

The octet rule is a fundamental principle in bonding, especially for second-row elements, which are central to organic chemistry. According to the octet rule, atoms tend to form molecules in such a way that they achieve an octet (eight electrons) in their valence shell, resembling the electron configuration of a noble gas. This arrangement leads to greater stability.



Bonding is the process by which two atoms join, leading to a decrease in energy and an increase in stability as the atoms acquire a full outer shell of valence electrons. The two main types of chemical bonds are ionic and covalent.


Ionic bonds vs. covalent bonds:

  • Ionic bonds arise from the transfer of electrons between two atoms, typically between a metal and a nonmetal. One atom loses electrons and becomes a positively charged ion, while the other gains electrons and becomes a negatively charged ion.
    The strong electrostatic attraction between these oppositely charged ions holds them together, following the octet rule as the atoms attain noble gas configurations.
  • Covalent bonds form when two atoms, particularly nonmetals, share a pair of electrons. This sharing allows both atoms to reach a noble gas configuration. The expected number of covalent bonds an atom will form can be predicted using the formula:

Number of covalent bonds = 8 - Number of valence electrons


Carbon (Z = 6): 

  • Carbon has 6 electrons ⇒ electron configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p2 ⇒ 4 electrons in its valence shell.
  • Carbon needs 4 more electrons to complete its octet ⇒ it forms 4 covalent bonds, making it tetravalent.

Nitrogen (Z = 7):

  • Nitrogen has 7 electrons ⇒ electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p3 ⇒ 5 electrons in its valence shell.
  • Nitrogen needs 3 more electrons to complete its octet  ⇒ it forms 3 covalent bonds, making it trivalent.

Functional Groups

Functional group: 

A functional group is an atom or a group of atoms within a molecule that is responsible for the characteristic chemical and physical properties of that molecule. The functional group is typically the most reactive part of the molecule and dictates how the molecule will interact in chemical reactions.


Key functional groups:


Carbonyl group (compound with a C=O bond):

IUPAC Nomenclature

Basic nomenclature:

The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) system is used to systematically name organic compounds. This ensures consistency and clarity across the scientific community. The general form of a compound's name is as follows: Prefix - Parent - Suffix

  • Prefix: Indicates the identity, location, and number of substituents attached to the parent chain.
  • Parent name: The longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the molecule.
  • Suffix: Denotes the functional group with the highest priority present in the molecule.

Parent names:

The parent name corresponds to the number of carbon atoms in the longest chain:

Number of C atoms:


Parent name:


Other common substituents are:



Carbon substituents attached to the parent chain are known as alkyl groups. To name these groups, the -ane ending of the corresponding alkane is replaced by -yl.

CH- = methyl
CH3CH- = ethyl

Representing Organic Molecules

Condensed structural formulas:

Condensed structural formulas simplify the representation of molecules by omitting explicit bonds and grouping atoms together.

  • The main carbon chain is written horizontally, with atoms drawn next to those they are bonded to.
  • Covalent bonds and lone pairs are omitted for simplicity.
  • Parentheses are used to indicate similar groups bonded to the same atom. Vertical lines can be used to show different substituents attached to the same atom.


Kekulé structures:

Kekulé structures are similar to Lewis structures but do not show lone pairs.

  • Each bond between atoms is represented by a line, providing a clear visualization of the connectivity between atoms without detailing the non-bonding electron pairs.


Skeletal structures:

Skeletal structures are the most simplified representation, often used for complex organic molecules.

  • Carbon atoms are not explicitly shown. Instead, it is assumed that a carbon atom exists at the junction of two lines or at the end of a line.
  • Hydrogens bonded to carbon are also omitted. The number of hydrogens is implied based on the need for carbon to satisfy the octet rule.
  • Heteroatoms (atoms other than carbon or hydrogen) are explicitly drawn, as are hydrogens directly bonded to them.


Resonance Forms

Resonance structures:

Resonance structures are a set of two or more valid Lewis structures for a single molecule that cannot be accurately represented by a single Lewis structure. These structures are used to depict delocalized electrons (π or nonbonded electrons) within molecules, where the actual distribution of electrons is a hybrid of all possible resonance forms. The single bonds remain the same, but the positions of the multiple bonds and nonbonded electrons differ.


Key points for resonance structures:

  • Same placement of atoms: Resonance structures have the same arrangement of atoms but differ in the placement of electrons, particularly π electrons or nonbonded (lone pair) electrons.
  • Valid Lewis structures: Each resonance structure must be a valid Lewis structure, adhering to the rules of valence electrons and octet rule (where applicable).
  • Resonance hybrid: The actual molecule is represented by a resonance hybrid, which is a weighted average of all possible resonance structures. 

    The different resonance forms of a substance are not all equal: the form with the most bonds and fewer charges has a higher contribution to the resonance hybrid


Criteria for evaluating resonance structures:

When multiple resonance structures are possible, the following guidelines help in identifying the most significant contributors:

  • Minimize formal charges
  • Place negative charges on electronegative atoms
  • Avoid adjacent formal charges
  • Maximize covalent bonds



Isomerism refers to the phenomenon where two or more compounds have the same molecular formula but differ in the arrangement of their atoms or spatial orientation. These compounds, called isomers, exhibit different physical and chemical properties despite having the same number and types of atoms.


Constitutional isomers (structural isomers):

Constitutional isomers share the same molecular formula but differ in the connectivity of their atoms.

  • Chain isomerism: Isomers differ in the arrangement of the carbon skeleton (linear or branched).
  • Position isomerism: Isomers differ in the position of a functional group or multiple bonds within the same carbon chain.
  • Functional group isomerism: Isomers have different functional groups.



Stereoisomers have the same molecular formula and sequence of bonds but differ in the three-dimensional arrangement of their atoms in space. There are two main types of stereoisomers:

  • Geometrical isomers: This type of stereoisomerism occurs in molecules with restricted rotation, such as alkenes or cyclic compounds. 
    Cis Isomers: The two substituents are on the same side of the double bond or ring.
    Trans Isomers: The two substituents are on opposite sides of the double bond or ring.
  • Optical isomers: Optical isomers are non-superimposable mirror images of each other, arising from the presence of a chiral center (a carbon atom bonded to four different groups). A pair of these mirror-image molecules are called enantiomers, and they rotate plane-polarized light in opposite directions—one enantiomer rotates light to the right, and the other rotates it to the left.

Organic Reactions

Organic reactions are categorized based on how bonds are formed or broken in organic molecules. These reactions typically involve the making or breaking of covalent bonds and include key types such as addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation-reduction, and isomerization reactions.


Addition reactions:

In an addition reaction, atoms or groups are added to the double or triple bonds in molecules, converting these multiple bonds into single bonds. Addition reactions usually occur in compounds containing carbon-carbon double bonds (C=C) or carbon-oxygen double bonds (C=O).

  • Electrophilic addition: An electrophile (an electron-seeking species) adds to the electron-rich region of a double bond.
  • Nucleophilic addition: A nucleophile (electron-donating species) donates a pair of electrons to an electron-deficient atom in the molecule.

The reaction between ethene (C2H4) and hydrogen bromide (HBr) results in bromoethane (C2H5Br) via electrophilic addition:


Substitution reactions:

In substitution reactions, one group in a molecule is replaced by another. These reactions can be either nucleophilic or electrophilic, depending on whether a nucleophile or electrophile is involved.

  • Electrophilic substitution: Occurs when an electrophile replaces a hydrogen atom on an aromatic ring.
  • Nucleophilic substitution: Occurs when a nucleophile displaces a leaving group on a carbon atom.

The nitration of benzene is an electrophilic substitution, where a nitronium ion (NO2+) replaces a hydrogen atom:

In the reaction between bromomethane (CH3Br) and hydroxide ion (OH-), the hydroxide replaces the bromine atom to form methanol (CH3OH):


Elimination reactions:

In elimination reactions, two atoms or groups are removed from a molecule, typically leading to the formation of a double or triple bond. These reactions often involve the elimination of small molecules such as water or hydrogen halides.


Other types of reactions:

  • Oxidation-reduction reactions: In organic oxidation, there is a gain of oxygen or a loss of hydrogen, while reduction involves the loss of oxygen or the gain of hydrogen.
  • Isomerization reactions: These reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms within a molecule, converting one isomer into another.

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Carbon is uniquely suited to form the backbone of organic molecules due to its ability to form four covalent bonds with a variety of atoms, including other carbon atoms. This tetravalence allows carbon to create complex and diverse structures ranging from simple chains to intricate three-dimensional networks. Moreover, carbon-carbon bonds are particularly stable, which provides the durability necessary for the construction of large biomolecules essential for life, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates.

Functional groups are crucial in organic chemistry because they define the chemical reactivity and properties of organic molecules. Each functional group exhibits a characteristic set of reactions and interactions, enabling chemists to predict and manipulate the behavior of organic compounds.  Understanding functional groups allows chemists to synthesize new molecules, understand biomolecular interactions, and develop pharmaceuticals and materials with specific functions.

The hydroxyl group (-OH) in alcohols confers polarity and the ability to form hydrogen bonds, while the carboxyl group (-COOH) in carboxylic acids makes them acidic and reactive in condensation reactions.

The IUPAC system, which stands for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, provides a standardized set of rules for naming organic compounds. It allows chemists worldwide to communicate unambiguously about molecular structures. The IUPAC naming strategy involves identifying the longest carbon chain to determine the root name, adding prefixes for substituents or branches, using suffixes to identify functional groups, and numbering the chain to indicate the position of the substituents and functional groups. These rules ensure consistent naming for the vast variety of organic molecules, facilitating clear understanding and discovery in the field of organic chemistry.

Resonance forms in organic chemistry refer to different Lewis structures that describe the same molecule using the same arrangement of atoms but with different distributions of electrons. These structures are significant because they give a more complete picture of the electron delocalization that occurs within a molecule, contributing to its stability, reactivity, and overall properties. 

Resonance structures contribute to the stability of organic molecules by allowing the delocalization of electrons across different parts of the molecule. This delocalization leads to a lowering of potential energy, as the charge or electron-rich areas can be spread out over a larger volume of space. The concept of resonance averages these structures to envision a more stable, hybrid form of the molecule, where bond lengths and charges are often intermediate between those of the individual resonance forms. This stabilization is particularly significant in ions or molecules with conjugated π systems, such as benzene, contributing to increased stability and often reactivity.

Isomerism is a phenomenon where molecules with the same molecular formula have different chemical structures. The main types of isomers in organic chemistry are structural isomers, which differ in the connectivity of their atoms, and stereoisomers, which have the same connectivity but differ in the spatial arrangement of their atoms. Stereoisomers can be further subdivided into enantiomers, which are mirror images of each other and cannot be superimposed, and diastereomers, which are not mirror images and have different physical and chemical properties.

Chirality is a specific type of stereoisomerism related to the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules. A chiral molecule is one that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, similar to how left and right hands are mirror images but not identical. This occurs when a molecule has a carbon atom with four different substituents, known as a chiral center. Compounds that have non-superimposable mirror images are called enantiomers. These enantiomers may exhibit different biological activities, which makes chirality an important aspect to consider in fields such as pharmaceutical chemistry.

In organic chemistry, the basic types of reactions can be classified as:

  • Addition reactions, where two or more substances combine to form a more complex molecule;
  • Substitution reactions, where one atom or group of atoms in a molecule is replaced by another atom or group;
  • Elimination reactions, which involve the removal of a small molecule from a larger one, often yielding an unsaturated molecule;
  • Rearrangement reactions, where the molecular structure changes through the redistribution of atoms within the molecule.

Electrophiles and nucleophiles are fundamental to the mechanisms of organic reactions. Electrophiles are electron-deficient atoms or molecules that seek to accept a pair of electrons, making them prone to attack by nucleophiles, which are electron-rich atoms or molecules with a pair of electrons to donate. This interaction forms the basis of many organic reactions, including addition, substitution, and elimination processes, where nucleophiles replace or join with electrophiles to form new bonds and ultimately new compounds.