Bonding Theories | General Chemistry 1

Bonding theories are studied in this chapter: valence bond theory, atomic orbitals, hybrid orbitals, hybridization and geometry, single and multiple bonds, molecular orbital theory and diagrams, bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, bond order and magnetic properties.

Valence Bond Theory

Bonding theories:

Lewis structures and VSEPR theory, while useful for predicting molecular geometry, do not provide any information about bond formation. In chemistry, two primary bonding theories describe how atoms form bonds:

  • Valence Bond Theory: Chemical bonds are formed when atomic orbitals overlap.
  • Molecular Orbital Theory: A quantum mechanical treatment of bonding that describes the electronic structure of molecules.

Valence bond theory:

Atoms share valence electrons when an incompletely filled atomic orbital (AO) of one atom overlaps with an atomic orbital of another atom. A bond forms when the resulting molecule has lower energy than the original free atoms. The strength of the bond is determined by the extent of orbital overlap; greater overlap results in a stronger bond.

  • Bond types and directionality: Bonds involving s-orbitals are non-directional, whereas bonds involving p, d, and f orbitals are directional, influencing the geometry of the molecule.

  • Lower energy state: The formation of a covalent bond via orbital overlap results in a molecule with a lower potential energy compared to the separate atoms, making the bonded state more stable.


 Hydrogen Molecule (H2):

The bond forms due to the overlap of two 1s orbitals, each containing one electron, resulting in a stable molecule with a σ bond.

Hybrid Orbitals


To explain bonding in some molecules, we must use the concept of hybridization, where two or more atomic orbitals combine to form the same number of hybrid orbitals with new energies and shapes. Hybridization helps in understanding the geometry and bonding properties of molecules.


Hybrid orbitals from s- and p-orbitals:

  • sp hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital and 1 p-orbital to form 2 sp hybrid orbitals.
  • sphybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital and 2 p-orbitals to form 3 sp2 hybrid orbitals.
  • sp3 hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital and 3 p-orbitals to form 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals.


Hybrid orbitals from s-, p- and d-orbitals:

  • sp3d hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals and 1 d-orbital to form 5 sp3d hybrid orbitals.
  • sp3d2 hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals and 2 d-orbital to form 6 sp3d2 hybrid orbitals.

Hybridization and Geometry

Hybrid orbitals are not used to predict molecular geometries; rather, the molecular geometry and bond angles of a molecule must be known to use hybrid-orbital theory effectively. The number of electron domains around the central atom determines its geometry and thus its hybridization:

  • 2 electron domains ⇒ linear (bond angle: 180°) ⇒ sp hybridization
  • 3 electron domains ⇒ trigonal planar (bond angle: 120°) ⇒ sp2 hybridization
  • 4 electron domains ⇒ tetrahedral (bond angle: 109.5°) ⇒ sp3 hybridization
  • 5 electron domains ⇒ trigonal bipyramidal (bond angles: 90° & 120°) ⇒ sp3d hybridization
  • 6 electron domains ⇒ octahedral (bond angle: 90°) ⇒ sp3d2 hybridization


PCl5: 5 electron domains on the central atom ⇒ sp3d hybridization
SF6: 6 electron domains on the central atom ⇒ sp3d2 hybridization

Single and Multiple Bonds

σ bond vs. π bond

  • σ bond: Formed by the head-on overlap of orbitals along the internuclear axis.
    It can result from the overlap of two s orbitals, an s orbital with a p orbital, or two p orbitals.
    It allows free rotation around the bond axis.
  • π bond: Formed by the side-by-side overlap of two p orbitals.
    The overlap occurs above and below the internuclear axis.
    It restricts rotational motion due to the nature of the side-by-side overlap.



Types of covalent bonds:

  • single bond consists of 1 σ bond (2 e- are shared between the atoms).
  • A double bond consists of 1 σ bond and 1 π bond (4 e- are shared). The presence of a π bond restricts rotation, resulting in a fixed planar structure around the bond, as seen in alkenes.
  • A triple bond consists of 1 σ bond and 2 π bonds (6 e- are shared). The addition of a second π bond further restricts rotational motion and results in a linear geometry, as seen in alkynes.


H2 ⇒ 1 σ-bond
O2 ⇒ 1 σ-bond + 1 π-bond
N2 ⇒ 1 σ-bond + 2 π-bonds

Molecular Orbital Theory

Molecular orbital theory:

Molecular orbital theory describes the orbitals of a molecule as bonding and antibonding combinations of atomic orbitals (AOs). In this theory, atomic orbitals combine to form molecular orbitals (MO) that are associated with the entire molecule rather than individual atoms.

  • The number of MOs formed equals the number of AOs combined.
  • Molecular orbitals can be classified as σ or π depending on their orientation relative to the internuclear axis: σ orbitals lie directly along the internuclear axis, while π orbitals do not lie along the internuclear axis, involving side-by-side overlap.
  • MO Theory explains not only bond formation but also the magnetic and spectral properties of molecules.


Bonding MO vs. antibonding MO:

Molecular orbitals are formed by the linear combination of atomic wave functions:

  • Bonding molecular orbital: An MO formed when the atomic wave functions reinforce each other (in-phase combination). It is lower in energy than the atomic orbitals (AOs) that combined to form it. Electrons in bonding MOs contribute to bond strength and stability.
  • Antibonding molecular orbital: An MO formed when atomic wave functions cancel each other (out-of-phase combination), resulting in a node between nuclei. It is higher in energy than the AOs that combined to form it. Electrons in antibonding MOs weaken the bond and decrease stability.


Molecular Orbital Diagrams


Molecular orbital diagrams show the relative energies and number of valence electrons in each molecular orbital (MO), as well as the atomic orbitals (AOs) from which they are formed. The energy levels of the orbitals are displayed on the y-axis, with the AOs arranged on the left and right sides of the diagram. The MOs, resulting from the overlap of AOs, are located in the middle.


Molecular orbitals in homonuclear diatomic species

The relative energy levels of MOs for homonuclear diatomic molecules are determined by the combination of AOs from each atom:

  • B2, C2, N2: The π2p orbitals are lower in energy than the σ2p orbital due to less effective overlap in the case of lighter atoms.
  • O2, F2, Ne2: The σ2p orbital is lower in energy than the π2p orbitals due to more effective overlap in the case of heavier atoms.


MO energy levels for O2, F2 and Ne2

MO energy levels for B2, C2 and N2


How to build a molecular orbital diagram:

  1. Determine Valence Electron Configuration:
    Identify the valence electron configuration of each atom in the molecule. These electrons will be placed in the atomic orbitals of each atom.
  2. Identify Molecule Type:
    - Homonuclear molecules: The AOs will be symmetric (e.g., O2, N2).
    - Heteronuclear molecules: The AOs of the more electronegative atom will be placed lower on the diagram (e.g., CO).
  3. Add Molecular Orbitals:
    - σ Orbitals: Formed from head-on overlap of AOs, generally stronger and lower in energy.
    - π Orbitals: Formed from side-by-side overlap of AOs.
    - Antibonding MOs: Higher in energy than the corresponding bonding MOs.
  4. Fill Molecular Orbitals with Electrons:
    - Fill from the lowest to the highest energy orbitals.
    - Each orbital can accommodate a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins.
    - Follow Hund's rule: Every orbital in a sublevel is singly occupied before any orbital is doubly occupied.


Bond Order and Magnetic Properties

Bond order:

Bond order is a measure of the stability of a bond within a molecule. The higher the bond order, the more stable the molecule. It can be determined using a molecular orbital (MO) diagram and is calculated using the formula:

Bond order = 12 [number of e- in bonding orbitals - number of e- in antibonding orbitals]



  • H2 ⇒ one σ bond ⇒ Bond order = 1
  • O2 ⇒ one σ bond and one π bond ⇒ Bond order = 2
  • N2 ⇒ one σ bond and two π bond ⇒ Bond order = 3


Paramagnetic vs. Diamagnetic

The magnetic properties of a molecule are determined by the presence or absence of unpaired electrons in its molecular orbitals:

  • Paramagnetic species: Contains unpaired electrons and is weakly attracted to a magnetic field.
  • Diamagnetic species: It does not contain unpaired electrons and is weakly repelled by a magnetic field.


  • Oxygen molecule (O2) is paramagnetic due to the presence of unpaired electrons in its π*2p antibonding orbitals.
  • Nitrogen molecule (N2) is diamagnetic because all electrons are paired in its molecular orbitals.

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Lewis structures and VSEPR theory are used to predict molecular geometry but do not provide any information about bond formation

There are 2 bonding theories in chemistry:

  • Valence bond theory: chemical bonds are formed when atomic orbitals overlap
  • Molecular orbital theory: quantum mechanical treatment of bonding describing the electronic structure of molecules

Valence bond theory states that atoms share valence electrons when an incompletely filled atomic orbital (AO) of one atom overlaps an atomic orbital of another atom. A bond forms when the resulting molecule has lower energy than the original free atoms

To explain bonding in some molecules, we must use the concept of hybridization, in which 2 or more atomic orbitals are combined to form the same number of hybrid orbitals with new energy and shape

  • sp hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital and 1 p-orbital to form 2 sp hybrid orbitals
  • sphybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital and 2 p-orbitals to form 3 sp2 hybrid orbitals
  • sp3 hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital and 3 p-orbitals to form 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals
  • sp3d hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals and 1 d-orbital to form 5 sp3d hybrid orbitals
  • sp3d2 hybridization: combination of 1 s-orbital, 3 p-orbitals and 2 d-orbital to form 6 sp3d2 hybrid orbitals

The number of electron domains on the central atom determines its geometry and thus its hybridization:

  • 2 electron domains ⇒ linear (bond angle: 180°) ⇒ sp hybridization
  • 3 electron domains ⇒ trigonal planar (bond angle: 120°) ⇒ sp2 hybridization
  • 4 electron domains ⇒ tetrahedral (bond angle: 109.5°) ⇒ sp3 hybridization
  • 5 electron domains ⇒ trigonal bipyramidal (bond angles: 90° & 120°) ⇒ sp3d hybridization
  • 6 electron domains ⇒ octahedral (bond angle: 90°) ⇒ sp3d2 hybridization

The σ bond results from an overlap along the internuclear axis of 2s orbitals, 1s-1p orbitals, or 2p orbitals, whereas the π bond results from an overlap located above and below the internuclear axis: side-by-side overlap of 2p orbitals. Free rotation is possible around σ-bonds while there is restricted motion around π-bonds

There are 3 different types of covalent bonds:

  • The single bond consists of 1 σ-bond (2 e- are shared)
  • The double bond consists of 1 σ-bond and 1 π-bond (4 e- are shared)
  • The triple bond consists of 1 σ-bond and 2 π-bonds (6 e- are shared)

Molecular orbital theory describes the orbitals of a molecule as bonding and antibonding combinations of atomic orbitals. Atomic orbitals (AO) combine to form molecular orbitals (MO) associated with the molecule rather than individual atoms. A molecular orbital is σ if the orbital lies directly along the internuclear axis, or π if the orbital does not lie along the internuclear axis. This theory explains bond formation and the magnetic and spectral properties of molecules

  • If the wave functions reinforce each other, the atomic orbitals (AO) are in phase and their combination results in the formation of a bonding molecular orbital (MO). A bonding MO is lower in energy than the AOs that combined to form it. The electrons in this type of MO contribute to the strength of the bond
  • If the wave functions cancel each other, the AOs are out of phase and their combination results in the formation of an antibonding MO (with a node). An antibonding MO is higher in energy than the AOs that combined to form it. The electrons in this type of MO impair the strength of the bond

Molecular orbital diagrams show the relative energy and number of valence electrons in each molecular orbital (MO) as well as the atomic orbitals (AO) from which they are formed. The energy of the orbitals can be found on the y-axis. The AOs are arranged on the left and right sides of the diagram. Overlapping AOs produce MOs located in the middle of the diagram

  1. Find the valence electron configuration of each atom in the molecule. The valence electrons will be placed on the atomic orbital of that atom
  2. Determine if the molecule is homonuclear or heteronuclear:
    - If the molecule is homonuclear, the AOs will be symmetric
    - If the molecule is heteronuclear, the AOs of the more electronegative atom will be placed lower on the diagram
  3. Add the molecular orbitals using the energy and bonding properties of the overlapping atomic orbitals:
    - σ orbitals are stronger than π orbitals
    - Antibonding MOs are higher in energy than bonding MOs
  4. Fill in the molecular orbitals with the number of valence electrons in the molecule:
    - The lowest energy orbitals fill up first
    - Each orbital can accommodate a maximum of 2 electrons of opposite spins
    - The Hund's rule is respected 

The order of energies of the molecular orbitals in homonuclear diatomic molecules od second period is different for B2, C2, and N2, than for O2, F2, and Ne2

MO energy levels for O2, F2 and Ne2

MO energy levels for B2, C2 and N2

Bond order is a measure of the strength of a bond. The higher the bond order, the stronger the bond. It can be determined using a molecular orbital diagram:

Bond order =  [number of e- in bonding orbitals - number of e- in antibonding orbitals]

A paramagnetic substance is a substance with unpaired electrons and therefore weakly attracted by a magnetic field while a diamagnetic substance is a substance without unpaired electrons (not attracted by a magnetic field)