Quiz 3 - Chemical Kinetics: Rate Laws | Chemical Kinetics: Rate Laws

General Chemistry 2 - Quiz 3 - Chemical Kinetics: Rate Laws


The rate of decomposition of a certain compound in solution is first order. If the concentration of the compound is doubled, what happens to the reaction's half-life?

For a first-order reaction, the half-life (t1/2​) is independent of the initial concentration of the reactant. The half-life is given by the equation: t1/20.693k, where k is the rate constant. Since the half-life depends only on the rate constant and not on the concentration, doubling the concentration does not affect the half-life.


Consider the reaction: 2 ICl (g) + H2 (g) → 2 HCl (g) + I2 (g). At a certain temperature, the rate constant is found to be 1.63 x 10-6 L.mol-1.s-1. What is the overall order of the reaction?

The units of the rate constant k (L.mol-1.s-1) indicate a second-order reaction. For a reaction with these units, the overall order is two.


A compound decomposes with a first-order rate constant of 0.00854 s-1. Calculate the concentration after 5.0 minutes for an initial concentration of 1.2 M.

For a first-order reaction, the concentration at any time t is given by the equation:

[A]t = [A]0 e-kt

[A]t = concentration of A at time t (in mol.L-1)
[A]0 = initial concentration of A (in mol.L-1) = 1.2 M
k = rate constant (in s-1) = 0.00854 s-1
t = time (in s) = 5.0 min = 300 s


[A]t = [A]0 e-kt = 1.2 x e-0.00854 x 300 = 0.093 M


In a study of the reaction below, the concentration of O2 (g) is found to be decreasing by 0.042 M min-1. At what rate is the concentration of nitrogen dioxide gas changing?
2 NO (g) + O2 (g) → 2 NO2 (g)

The stoichiometry of the reaction shows that for every 1 mole of O2 consumed, 2 moles of NO2 are produced. The rate of change of concentration of NO2 is therefore twice the rate of change of O2. Given that O2 is decreasing at a rate of 0.042 M min⁻¹, the rate of increase of NO2 is:

Rate of NO2 = 2 x 0.042 M.min−1 = 0.084 M.min−1


Tert-butyl chloride reacts with hydroxide ion in a process that is first order in both tert-butyl chloride and hydroxide. If both reactants are doubled in concentration, how does the reaction rate change?

The reaction rate for a reaction that is first order in both tert-butyl chloride and hydroxide ion can be expressed as: Rate = k [tert-butyl chloride][OH]

If the concentration of both reactants is doubled, the new rate becomes:

New Rate = k (2 [tert-butyl chloride] x 2 [OH-]) = k ( 4 [tert-butyl chloride][OH]) = 4 x Rate

Thus, the reaction rate quadruples when both reactants are doubled in concentration.


The thermal decomposition of NOCl is a second-order process, and the rate constant k for the disappearance of NOCl at 160 oC is 0.0037 M-1.s-1. What is the concentration of NOCl, initially at 0.043 M, after 20.0 minutes at 160 oC?

For a second-order reaction, the relationship between concentration and time is given by the equation:

1[NOCl]t = 1[NOCl]0 + kt

[NOCl]t = concentration of NOCl at time t (in mol.L-1)
[NOCl]0 = initial concentration of NOCl (in mol.L-1) = 0.043 M
k = rate constant (in M-1.s-1) = 0.0037 M-1.s-1
t = time (in s) = 20.0 min = 1200 s



1[NOCl]t = 10.043 M + (0.0037 M-1.s-1) (1200 s) = 27.7 M-1 

⇒ [NOCl]t = 127.7 M-1 = 0.036 M


How is the rate of change of the ClF3 concentration related to the rate of change of the F2 concentration?
Cl2 (g) + 3 F2 (g) → 2 ClF3 (g)

The reaction rate of a reaction is expressed as:

Rate = - 1α [reactant]t = 1α [reactant]t

Therefore, the reaction rate of Cl2 (g) + 3 F2 (g) → 2 ClF3 (g) is:

Rate = - 13 [F2]t = 12 [ClF3]t

⇒ [ClF3]t = - 23 [F2]t


At a given temperature, a first-order reaction has a rate constant of 3.33 x 10-3 s-1. How much time is required for the reaction to be 75% complete?

For a first-order reaction, the time required for a certain percentage of the reaction to be complete can be calculated using the first-order rate law equation:

ln [A]0[A]t = kt

[A]t = concentration of A at time t (in mol.L-1)
[A]0 = initial concentration of A (in mol.L-1)
k = rate constant (in s-1)
t = time (in s)


Since the reaction is 75% complete, 25% of the original concentration remains, so [A]t[A]0 = 0.25. Thus:

ln 10.25 = kt ⇒ t = 1k ln 10.25 = 13.33 × 10-3 ln(4) = 416 s