Quiz 1 - Colligative Properties of Solutions | Colligative Properties of Solutions

General Chemistry 2 - Quiz 1 - Colligative Properties of Solutions


Which unit of concentration is temperature-independent and thereby most appropriate when discussing colligative properties?

Molality (m) is defined as moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Since it involves mass and not volume, it is independent of temperature. Colligative properties, which depend on the number of particles in solution and not on their identity, are appropriately discussed using molality as it remains constant with temperature changes.


How would the vapor pressure of a solution change after adding a non-volatile solute?

Adding a non-volatile solute to a solvent decreases the vapor pressure of the solution (Raoult's law) because the solute particles occupy surface area and thus fewer solvent molecules can escape into the vapor phase. This principle underlies the vapor-pressure lowering of a colligative property.


In freezing-point depression, what is the effect of a solute on the solvent's freezing point?

The presence of a solute lowers the solvent's freezing point in a process known as freezing-point depression. This occurs because the solute particles disrupt the formation of the solvent's solid structure, requiring a lower temperature to solidify.


What property of a solution allows it to resist osmotic pressure changes when strong electrolytes are dissolved in it?

The Van't Hoff factor (i) accounts for the number of particles a compound dissociates into when dissolved in a solution. For strong electrolytes, which dissociate completely, the factor is used in calculations of colligative properties, such as osmotic pressure, boiling-point elevation, and freezing-point depression, to reflect the role of dissociated ions.


Which of the following is a colligative property that could be used to determine the molar mass of a biological macromolecule?

Osmotic pressure is a colligative property that is directly related to the concentration of solute particles in a solution. It can be used to determine the molar mass of macromolecules in solution by measuring the pressure needed to prevent osmosis.


What is the expected boiling point of a solution at sea level if it contains 3 mol of a nonelectrolyte solute in 1 kg of water, with Kb = 0.512 oC kg.mol-1 for water?

The boiling point elevation is:

ΔTb = i Kb m

ΔTb = boiling-point elevation (in oC)
i = van't Hoff factor
Kb = molal boiling-point elevation constant = 0.512 oC.kg.mol-1
m = molality of the solute = 3 mol.kg-1


Since the solute is a nonelectrolyte = 1.

ΔTb = 1 x 0.512 x 3 = 1.536 oC. The boiling point of water is 100 oC at sea level, so the expected boiling point of the solution will be 100 oC + ΔTb = 101.54 oC.


Which conceptually links the depression in freezing point and the elevation in boiling point?

Both the depression in the freezing point and the elevation in boiling point are consequences of the vapor pressure lowering due to the addition of a non-volatile solute. The altered vapor pressure affects the temperatures at which the solvent transitions between the solid and liquid or liquid and gas phases.


What is the result of solute particle size on the freezing-point depression of a solution?

Freezing-point depression depends on the number of solute particles in the solution and is independent of their size or charge. Hence, the effect is the same for large or small solute particles as long as the number of particles is the same.


Assuming complete dissociation, which of the following electrolyte solutions would exhibit the greatest freezing-point depression?

CaCl2 dissociates into 3 ions (one Ca2+ and two Cl-), hence the Van't Hoff factor (i) is 3. The freezing-point depression is directly proportional to the product of the molal concentration and the Van't Hoff factor (ΔTf = i Km). The other salts either dissociate into 2 particles only.


What happens to the osmotic pressure of a solution if the concentration of solute is doubled?

Osmotic pressure (Π) is directly proportional to the concentration of solute in a solution, so doubling the solute concentration doubles the osmotic pressure.

Π = R T

Π = osmotic pressure (in atm)
M = molarity of the solution (in mol.L-1)
R = ideal gas constant = 0.0821 (in L.atm.K-1.mol-1)
T = absolute temperature (in K)