Midterm 2 - Question 6 | General Chemistry 2

General Chemistry 2 - Midterm 2

Ethylene C2H4 reacts with diazene H2N2 to afford ethane C2H6 and nitrogen gas.


1) Draw the Lewis structure of each compound

2) Write a chemical equation for this reaction

3) Calculate the enthalpy change ΔHrxn for this reaction



Hbond(H-H) = 436 kJ.mol-1

Hbond(C-H) = 413 kJ.mol-1

Hbond(N-H) = 391 kJ.mol-1;

Hbond(C-C) = 348 kJ.mol-1

Hbond(C=C) = 614 kJ.mol-1

Hbond(N-N) = 163 kJ.mol-1;

Hbond(N=N) = 418 kJ.mol-1

Hbond(NN) = 941 kJ.mol-1