Exercise 6 | Alkenes

Organic Chemistry 2 - Exercise 6

Calculate the degree of unsaturation of the following molecules:

2 rings = 2 unsaturations
4 double bonds = 4 unsat.
1 triple bond = 2 unsat.

⇒  8 unsaturations


Degree of unsaturation = (2nC + 2 + nN - nH - nX) / 2

C6H4Cl2 ⇒ Degree of unsat. = (2 x 6 + 2 + 0 - 4 - 2) / 2 = 4 unsaturations

C6H10N2O⇒ Degree of unsat. = (2 x 6 + 2 + 2 - 10 - 0) / 2 = 3 unsaturations

C8H13F2NO ⇒ Degree of unsat. = (2 x 8 + 2 + 1 - 13 - 2) / 2 = 2 unsaturations