Quiz - Amines - 3 | Amines

Organic Chemistry 3 - Quiz - Amines - 3


Which of the following names corresponds to the correct IUPAC nomenclature for the compound CH3NHCH2CH3?

The correct IUPAC name is N-methylethanamine, indicating an ethyl group (CH2CH3) attached to the nitrogen, with a methyl group (CH3) as a substituent on nitrogen, following the "N-alkyl" prefix convention.


Which property of amines increases as the number of alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom increases?

Basicity increases with the number of alkyl groups on nitrogen because alkyl groups are electron-donating, resulting in an increased electron density on nitrogen that enhances its ability to accept protons.


Which compound is used as a nucleophile in the Gabriel synthesis to release the primary amine?

Hydrazine (NH2NH2) is used in the Gabriel synthesis as a nucleophile to react with the alkylated imide intermediate, releasing the primary amine.


In the reductive amination of ketones, what is the role of the reducing agent?

The reducing agent is used to reduce the imine intermediate, which is formed by the condensation of a ketone and an amine, to yield a secondary amine.


What is the major product of the Hofmann elimination reaction?

In the Hofmann elimination, the major product is the less substituted alkene, contrary to the Zaitsev rule observed in typical E2 eliminations. This regioselectivity is attributed to the steric hindrance of the leaving group, favoring deprotonation at the less hindered β carbon.


The reaction of amines with nitrous acid yields different products based on the amine class. What is the expected product when a secondary amine reacts with nitrous acid?

Secondary amines react with nitrous acid to form nitrosamines, while primary amines typically form diazonium salts under similar conditions.


In the Mannich reaction, what role does the amine play?

The amine acts as a nucleophile by attacking the electrophilic carbon atom in the iminium ion formed from formaldehyde and a secondary amine, typically in the presence of an acid catalyst.


What is the product formed when an amine reacts with an aldehyde or ketone?

When an amine reacts with an aldehyde or ketone, it forms an imine if the amine is primary or an enamine if the amine is secondary. This process involves nucleophilic addition of the amine to the carbonyl group, followed by loss of water to yield the imine or enamine.


How is the amino group converted into a better leaving group in the Hofmann elimination reaction?

In the Hofmann elimination reaction, the amino group is converted into a better leaving group by quaternization. This involves exhaustive alkylation in the presence of excess methyl iodide to form a quaternary ammonium salt, which can then undergo E2 elimination more readily.


Which reaction will not form an amine as the main product?

The Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction involves the introduction of an acyl group into an aromatic ring and does not typically yield an amine as the main product.