Quiz 3 - Bonding Theories | Bonding Theories

General Chemistry 1 - Quiz 3 - Bonding Theories


How many σ bonds and how many π bonds are present in allene, H2C=C=CH2?

Allene has three carbon atoms with the central carbon forming two double bonds. Each double bond consists of one sigma (σ) and one pi (π) bond. The molecule also has four C-H single bonds.


Which species can be described as having sp2 hybridization?

The sulfur atom in SO2 is sp2 hybridized, resulting in a bent structure due to the presence of a lone pair on sulfur.


Which statement about FNNF is NOT correct?

The nitrogen-nitrogen bond in FNNF is shorter than that in N2F4 due to the presence of double bonding character in FNNF.


According to Valence Bond Theory, what type of overlap occurs between the orbitals in a sigma (σ) bond?

In Valence Bond Theory, a sigma (σ) bond is formed by the end-to-end overlap of orbitals, such as two p orbitals or an s orbital with a p orbital, along the internuclear axis.


According to Molecular Orbital Theory, which of the following diatomic molecules is predicted to have a bond order of 3?

In Molecular Orbital Theory, the bond order is calculated as (number of bonding electrons - number of antibonding electrons)/2. For N2, there are 10 bonding electrons and 4 antibonding electrons, resulting in a bond order of 3.


Which of the following molecules is paramagnetic?

O2 is paramagnetic due to the presence of two unpaired electrons in its molecular orbitals, as predicted by Molecular Orbital Theory.


Which molecular orbital type is characterized by a node between the nuclei?

An antibonding molecular orbital is characterized by a node, or region of zero electron density, between the nuclei. This occurs due to the out-of-phase combination of atomic wave functions, making the antibonding MO higher in energy.


How does the presence of electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals affect a molecule?

Electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals weaken the bond and decrease the stability of the molecule because these orbitals are higher in energy and have a node between the nuclei.


What is the bond order of a molecule if it has 8 bonding electrons, 2 non-bonding electrons and 4 antibonding electrons?

Bond order is calculated as (number of bonding electrons - number of antibonding electrons) / 2. For this molecule: (8 - 4) / 2 = 2. A bond order of 2 indicates a double bond.


According to Molecular Orbital Theory, how are bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals formed?

In Molecular Orbital Theory, bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals are formed by the linear combination of atomic wave functions. This involves combining atomic orbitals in-phase to form bonding MOs and out-of-phase to form antibonding MOs.