Quiz 3 - Covalent Bonding and Compounds | Covalent Bonding and Molecular Structure

General Chemistry 1 - Quiz 3 - Covalent Bonding and Compounds


Which of the following statements about covalent bonds is false?

Double covalent bonds are stronger than single covalent bonds because they involve the sharing of two pairs of electrons.


Which species has a Lewis structure most like that of the carbonate ion, CO32-?

The nitrate ion (NO3-) has a resonance structure similar to the carbonate ion, with one nitrogen atom bonded to three oxygen atoms, one of which is double-bonded and two of which are single-bonded, with an overall negative charge .


Which substance has the highest boiling point?

Water has the highest boiling point due to hydrogen bonding, which is stronger than the van der Waals forces present in the other molecules.


Which molecule is an exception to the octet rule due to an odd number of electrons?

Nitric oxide (NO) has an odd number of electrons (11) and thus cannot satisfy the octet rule for both atoms.


Which hybridization is expected for the central atom in a molecule with tetrahedral geometry?

Tetrahedral geometry corresponds to sp3 hybridization where one s and three p orbitals mix to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals.


Which statement best describes the structure and bonding in nitromethane, H3C–NO2?

The nitrogen in nitromethane is sp2 hybridized, leading to a trigonal planar geometry around the nitrogen atom.


In the Lewis structure of the chlorate ion, ClO3-, how many lone pairs of electrons does the chlorine atom have?

In the Lewis structure of ClO3-, the chlorine atom is surrounded by three oxygen atoms and one lone pair, following the octet rule.


What is the formal charge on the central oxygen in the Lewis structure of ozone, O3?

The formal charge on the central oxygen in ozone is calculated as follows:

valence electrons (6) - non-bonding electrons (2) - bonding electrons/2 (6/2) = +1


How many resonance forms can be written for the nitrate ion, NO3-?

The nitrate ion, NO3-, has three equivalent resonance structures where the double bond can be placed between the nitrogen and any one of the three oxygen atoms.


Which name corresponds to the compound Cl2O7?

The compound Cl2O7 consists of two chlorine atoms and seven oxygen atoms. The prefix "di-" indicates two chlorine atoms, and "hepta-" indicates seven oxygen atoms, resulting in the name "dichlorine heptoxide."