Quiz 1 - Periodic Table & Atomic Mass | The Periodic Table and Atomic Mass

General Chemistry 1 - Quiz 1 - Periodic Table & Atomic Mass


What is the second period in the periodic table?


Which of the following is not an element of the main group?

Main groups: the 2 groups at the extreme left and the 6 groups at the extreme right of the periodic table. Manganese (Mn) is in group 7 ⇒ it is a transition metal


Which of the following statements is incorrect?


How many atoms of hydrogen do you have in 2.0 moles of H2?

n = NNA   ⇒   number of dihydrogen atoms NH2 = nH2 x NA = 2.0 x 6.022 x 1023 atoms

⇒ number of hydrogen atoms NH = 2 x NH2


What is the SI unit of molar mass?

The SI unit of molar mass M is g.mol-1


What is the mole number of 12.4 g of MgCl2 (MMg = 24.3 g.mol-1, MCl = 35.5 g.mol-1)?

mole number nMgCl2 = mMgCl2MMgCl2

with MMgCl2 = MMg + 2 x MCl = 95.3 g.mol-1


Which of the following statements about metals is incorrect?

Metals are typically not brittle; they are malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires).


Which element has the highest atomic mass?

Among the given options, uranium has the highest atomic mass, with an atomic mass of approximately 238.03 amu.


Which group in the periodic table contains the alkali metals?

Alkali metals are found in Group 1 of the periodic table and include elements such as lithium, sodium, and potassium.


How many atoms are present in 2 moles of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

One mole of CO2 contains 3 atoms (1 carbon and 2 oxygen). Therefore, 2 moles of CO2 contain 2 × 3 × 6.022 × 1023 = 3.613 × 1024 atoms.