Quiz 1 - Early Quantum Theory | Early Quantum Theory

General Chemistry 1 - Quiz 1 - Early Quantum Theory


Which one of the following types of radiation has the highest wavelength?


X rays < UV light < visible light < IR light


Which one of the following types of radiation has the highest frequency?


UV light < IR light < microwaves < radio waves

c = λv ⇒ frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength

⇒ Frequency:

UV light > IR light > microwaves > radio waves


What is the energy of one photon with a wavelength of 2.25 x 10-2 m?

E = hcλ

h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J.s

c = speed of light = 3.00 x 108 m.s-1


What is the frequency of radiation which has an energy of 1.52 x 106 J per mole of photons?

E = nhv

n = number of photons = 1 mol = 6.022 x 1023 photons


Which statement below is incorrect regarding early quantum theory?


What is the energy of one electron in the second orbital of a hydrogen atom?

En- 2.1799 × 10-18n2

En = energy of the orbital n

n = number of the orbital = 2


According to the Bohr model for the hydrogen atom, how is the energy required to excite an electron from n=3 to n=4 compared to the energy required to excite an electron from n=2 to n=3?

132 - 142 < 122 - 132