Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base - Chemistry Coach

Cation vs. Anion
Cation vs. Anion vs. Ion... What is the difference? Well, both cations and anions are ions, they just have different physical properties. Cations are formed when...
Quantization of Kinetic Energy
More than 120 years ago, Max Planck formulated the mathematical theory of quantized energy in his endeavor to explain black body radiation...
Predicting the Relative Properties of Elements
In chemistry, it is important to understand the basics of chemical elements. The term "element" refers to the pure substances that consist of atoms with identical numbers of protons in their nuclei.
New York Requirements for Passing High School Chemistry
Does New York require students to take chemistry in order to graduate high school? Find out New York's requirements and how Chemistry Coach can help you pass!
New Mexico Requirements for Passing High School Chemistry
Does New Mexico require students to take chemistry in order to graduate high school? Find out New Mexico's requirements and how Chemistry Coach can help you pass!
New Hampshire Requirements for Passing High School Chemistry
Does New Hampshire require students to take chemistry in order to graduate high school? Find out New Hampshire's requirements and how Chemistry Coach can help you pass!